"Nature After The Genome features a series of case studies that explore the relationship between developments in genomic technologies and our knowledge and understanding of nature. Features the latest research and empirical data on social science relating to genomic technologies. Represents a multidisciplinary approach to the the topic. Addresses controversial questions raised by genome research and our understanding of nature."--
"Nature After The Genome features a series of case studies that explore the relationship between developments in genomic technologies and our knowledge and understanding of nature. Features the latest research and empirical data on social science relating to genomic technologies. Represents a multidisciplinary approach to the the topic. Addresses controversial questions raised by genome research and our understanding of nature."--
Sarah Parry is Lecturer in Sociology at the Research Centrefor Social Sciences and Associate at the ESRC Innogen Centre,University of Edinburgh. Her work on the social and culturalaspects of stem cell research includes analyses of the meaning ofbiological material and public participation in policy-making.
John Dupré is the Director of Egenis (ESRC Centrefor Genomics in Society) and Professor of Philosophy of Science,University of Exeter. His current research focuses on philosophicalissues concerning the interpretation and implications of geneticsand genomics.
Part One: Introduction.
1. Introducing Nature After the Genome (Sarah Parry and JohnDupré).
Part Two: Classifying Biological Entities: Epistemologies ofLife.
2. The Polygenomic Organism (John Dupré).
3. Defining Stem Cells? Scientists and Their Classifications ofNature (Nicola J. Marks).
Part Three: (Re)modelling Nature.
4. Captivating Behaviour: Mouse Models, Experimental Geneticsand Reductionist Returns in the Neurosciences (Gail Davies).