This Navigating the Chaos: 365 Questions to Ask Yourself on the Art of Living publication represents over ten years of note taking involving backstories, historical events, and academic research. Once the notes exceeded a few hundred the idea of a daily question came to mind. This 2021 edit marks the fourth year for the Navigate the Chaos publication that contains one question for each day of the year to consider. Far too many publications tell you what to think. Navigate the Chaos provides a question each day for you to consider. The art of living is dependent upon your level of self-awareness. Since professional development is linked to personal growth, how we approach the art of living matters. How we treat others matters. How we treat ourselves matters. And how we practice the art of living matters. To share my notes with people who were interested in navigating the chaos of today's volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) world the free web site was created. Since the web site has links, videos, and other resources there are no citations in this publication. Resources, studies, and authors are often directly embedded into each day's reflection. Before you start your day, during lunch, or prior to going to bed, consider asking yourself the daily Navigate the Chaos question. See if you can find a few minutes to reflect upon a specific trait, habit, or idea. Dedicating a few minutes each day can help you increase your self-awareness as you look to grow personally and professionally. A monthly calendar with all the questions included is available for purchase and a free Google calendar is available to download at Best of luck navigating the chaos in 2021!