Ran Ernst's "Whoa Nelly" series follows the adventures of an adorable purple cartoon pony, Nelly who playfully along with her bunny pals Cinnabunny and Cupcake, teach young children about letters, numbers, colors, and more is sure to become a staple for many classrooms and families. Book One, Nellys Adventure at Alphabet Zoo, is great for reading alone or together. Parents and children of all ages will absolutely love these characters. There is a reason classic alphabet books are still read in preschools today. Its lyrical rhythmic text along with Ran's signature artwork makes for a captivating book that begs to be read aloud. Stunning cartoon animals paired with the letters of the alphabet guarantee to create an educational learning experience children will enjoy time and again. Each letter is presented with a whimsical illustration of an animal or group of animals with its name that begins with each letter of the alphabet. Children will be drawn into learning more about these fun animal personalities all the while learning the alphabet at the same time. This striking book is perfect for sharing with a classroom or group of children or admiring the wonderful drawn characters of each animal while snuggling together with your child. This book is entertaining, educational, and most of all a lot of fun.
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