Peter Simmons regularly publishes research on insect neurobiology, especially on the ocellar and compound eye visual systems and their role in controlling flight, and on the physiology of synaptic transmission. He is currently Director of the Zoology Degree at Newcastle.
1. Organisation of animal behaviour and of brains
feeding in star
nose moles and courtship in fruit flies; 2. Signals in nerve cells
reflexes in mammals and insects; 3. Neuronal mechanisms for releasing behaviour
predator and prey: toad and cockroach; 4. Neuronal pathways for behaviour
startle behaviours and giant neurons in crayfish and fish; 5. Eyes and vision
sensory filtering and course control in insects; 6. Sensory maps
hunting by owls and bats; 7. Programmes for movement
how nervous systems generate and control rhythmic movements; 8. Changes in nerve cells and behaviour
learning in bees and rats; swarming in locusts; 9. Nerve cells and animal signalling
songs of crickets, electric fish and birds.