Viv Midlane I've been an English Language Teacher since 1982, and taught in Greece, Belgium, Italy and the UK. I've also worked in a 'wide variety' of other fields including working to develop technology to help disabled people in their day to day lives. This included teaching DJing skills to profoundly deaf teenagers. I returned to University in my 40s to take a Masters degree in English Language Teaching and Educational Technology, and am 'thinking about' taking a PhD one day. Now I work as a writer, teacher and examiner. In my spare time I go sailing and hill walking and play harmonica and guitar in blues and rock bands around Manchester.

Vanessa Clark After a degree in modern languages and my postgraduate studies in education in the UK, I ran away to Munich 'for one year' and stayed for eight years as an English teacher and later as a Director of Studies. My classroom experience with adult learners in Germany and my teacher training role there is what I've found most useful in writing Compass, as a good coursebook must be designed with both learners and teachers in mind. I now teach EFL back home in the UK and keep my connection with Germany through my work for Langenscheidt ELT.

Sharon Heduvan I moved to Munich in 1996, after studying modern languages and politics. I did the CELTA in 1998, and then taught at the British Council in Munich. The DELTA followed in 2000, after which I co-set up the BTC, after the British Council closed. A lot of my teaching was done in various ministries of the Bavarian government, where I taught all levels.

Hello. I'm Lynda Hübner - but don't be taken in by the umlaut - I married it! I am English, though I've lived in Munich for ... goodness me! - nearly forty years! And I've spent a lot of that time teaching English and writing EFL books for the Langenscheidt Network series. As Network started to take up more and more of my time, I decided to work for Langenscheidt full time and become an editor - so now it's my privilege to work with the next generation of Network authors.

As a result, I have very little spare time - but I have managed to have a couple of kids and a couple of cats!

Hello - I'm Gaynor Ramsey. I grew up and studied in England, just outside London, and then moved to Switzerland in 1972 (for a year!) and have been living in Zurich ever since. I've been a teacher, teacher trainer and writer of teaching materials, for publishers in England, Germany and Switzerland, for well over 30 years and still love the challenge of "making it work" - for learners and for teachers. A major project with Langenscheidt was the English Network series that I worked on as an author for many years.

Olivia Rainsford I'm a teacher, teacher trainer and writer based in Bavaria, but originally from Ireland. I arrived in Germany fifteen years ago, intending to stay for a year. I'm still here. I never wanted to become a teacher, but somehow I ended up doing a Masters of Education, I teach full-time and now I'm even involved in training other teachers. I live in a ramshackle house in a university town and spend my days doing all manner of crafty things.