New Media, the changes in the style, focus, and delivery of news and information, are part of the circumstances brought about by the Internet and the World Wide Web and the digital platforms for accessing them These issues are part of larger changes in postmodern societies which are evolving in the direction toward a hyperreality where image supplants substance. Old Media, and the journalism profession in general, are facing difficult challenges as their whole basis of operation is steadily undermined. Their gatekeeping function as well as the traditional role of verification are being eroded. Hallmarks of accuracy, fairness and balance are being challenged. Old Media are adapting to these changes, creating new ways to reach audiences and earn a profit. They are developing new business models and products, creating multiple revenue streams developed with a sensitivity toward current market realities and traditional journalistic values. Somehow Old Media will survive, albeit in new, modified forms, and continue to offer the news and information that people demand and need.