To better exploit the capabilities of optical
technologies for high-bandwidth communication, there
is a need for next-generation optical networks,
which ideally could provide high-speed network
access and bandwidth-on-demand at reduced costs. One
promising technique to achieve this goal is
wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) circuit
switching (flow switching), where optical circuits,
i.e., light-paths, are dynamically established at a
small time scale. Such a fast provisioning of light-
paths would use network resources efficiently by
adjusting to the rapidly changing needs of end
users, thus reduce the cost. In addition, it could
serve as a platform for new services and
applications. In this work, we focus on two
important research problems in next-generation
optical networks with flow switching: (1)
scalability of network management and control, and
(2) resilience/reliability of networks upon faults
and attacks. Our main technical approaches are
decision theory and probabilistic graphical models.
technologies for high-bandwidth communication, there
is a need for next-generation optical networks,
which ideally could provide high-speed network
access and bandwidth-on-demand at reduced costs. One
promising technique to achieve this goal is
wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) circuit
switching (flow switching), where optical circuits,
i.e., light-paths, are dynamically established at a
small time scale. Such a fast provisioning of light-
paths would use network resources efficiently by
adjusting to the rapidly changing needs of end
users, thus reduce the cost. In addition, it could
serve as a platform for new services and
applications. In this work, we focus on two
important research problems in next-generation
optical networks with flow switching: (1)
scalability of network management and control, and
(2) resilience/reliability of networks upon faults
and attacks. Our main technical approaches are
decision theory and probabilistic graphical models.