Starting from a reflection on Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy, this book proposes to bring to light the strange relationship between nature and health. Changes in ecosystems have consequences on health and result in the development of psychopathologies. In Nietzsche, a medical paradigm emerges that is in line with the ecology of health or eco-medicine. The imperialism of psychiatry inaugurated by Jean Pinel is opposed by anti-psychiatry, the incarnation of a systemic, polyphonic and plural therapy. To the concept of the sick-patient, it opposes the posture of the sick-active, partner of the doctor in the therapeutic project. To the madman subjected to the asyllic order answers a prophet madman, climbing the mountains in a salvific arboretum. The aim of this book is to analyse, scrutinise and understand Nietzsche's illnesses and above all "his madness", which is none other than the revelation of a mysticism or a mania of Dionysian inspiration.