Recently, a great attention is paid for desert soil reclamation and cultivation . New structure of reclaimed soil is made by exo-polysaccharides, which produced by some rhizobacterial cells to keep water retention and nutrient . Nitrogen fixing bacteria can substitute some of the mineral nitrogen to reduce the loose of mineral nitrogen and its worse impact on the environment. Some of nitrogen fixing bacteria produce extracellular polysaccharides (EPS) ,the presence of exo-polysaccharides are likely to be attractive to plant roots and colonized the root in the rhizosphere area . Also , these exo-polysaccharides play role in improve the texture of sandy soil by cement particles .This book has different goal which is evaluate the potential of bacterial isolates which produces exopolysaccharides (EPS) and studied characterization of these exo-polysaccharides , this characteristic is responsible for stable aggregates in soil . In addition to evaluate the effect of biofertilization on the growth of wheat and faba bean plants . Therefore This book , should be especially useful to professionals in agricultural field ,farmer's , big farmers and research fertilizers company , or anyone.