Die Njáls saga, eine der bedeutendsten Isländersagas, stellt wie kaum eine andere Saga rechtliche Gegebenheiten dar, die aber - wie nachgewiesen wurde - oft durchaus nicht mit dem damals geltenden Recht übereinstimmen. Da die Rechtssituation Auskunft über die Art und Weise der zwischenmenschlichen Interaktionen gibt, versucht die Arbeit anhand der Analyse der verschiedenen Rechtsinstitute, und zwar so wie sie der Sagaverfasser darstellt, die Intentionalität dieser Saga herauszukristallisieren.
Njáls saga, one of the most important Icelandic sagas, depicts legal situations to an extent unequalled in other sagas. Yet they often do not correspond - as has been shown in the past - with the law current in medieval times. Since the legal situation eminently mirrors human interaction, the study attempts to establish the intentions of this saga, through the analysis of the various legal institutions as the saga writer has conceived them.
Njáls saga, one of the most important Icelandic sagas, depicts legal situations to an extent unequalled in other sagas. Yet they often do not correspond - as has been shown in the past - with the law current in medieval times. Since the legal situation eminently mirrors human interaction, the study attempts to establish the intentions of this saga, through the analysis of the various legal institutions as the saga writer has conceived them.