San Francisco Patent Attorney David Pressman is a graduate of Penn State University (BSEE) and George Washington University Law School (JD) where he was on the Law Review. He has over 40 years of experience in the patent profession - as a patent examiner for the U.S. Patent Office, a patent attorney in corporate and private practice, a university instructor, a columnist, and as author of the Patent and Trademark entries to the World Book Encyclopedia. His books have charted the path for over 300,000 inventors. Dave is also co-author of How to Make Patent Drawings (with Jack Lo), Patent Pending In 24 Hours (with Rich Stim), and Patents For Beginners (with Rich Stim).
I. Your Legal Companion
1. Patents and Intellectual Property Law
2. Qualifying for a Patent
3. Invention Documentation
4. Patent Searching
5. Reading and Writing Patents
6. Patent Prosecution and the PTO
7. Patent Ownership
8. Patent Infringement
9. International Patent Law
10. Help Beyond This Book