Non Carious Cervical Lesions continue to be a matter of great concern especially so as more and more teeth are being retained into the older age and there is increased incidence and severity of lesions experienced.The multifactorial etiology has made the recognition of causal factors in individual patients quite problematic and thereby the prevention and treatment of these lesions remain haphazard. Detailed history is most important to rule out various etiological factors. Oral health-care providers have a crucial role in the early identification of eating disorders and in the referral and management of these patients. Noncarious tooth tissue loss provides a challenge of diagnosis and treatment for the dental surgeon. However today,adequate preventive and/or restorative measures have been instituted to attain high levels of success.Traditionally,Glass Ionomer is the most versatile material. Extensive research has been done on resin-modified glass ionomer and polyacid modified composites.Adhesive technology can be used to treat toothwear and should simplify treatment for this increasingly common problem, producing restorations with excellent appearance and functionality.