To reveal the Universe secrets and find the Physics laws for its proper description is the ultimate goal of Contemporary Cosmology and Physics. The book is dedicated to beyond standard model processes, related to the origin, chemical composition and structure of the Universe matter, especially its fermionic components. Investigation of such processes and the obtained cosmological constraints on their characteristics on the basis of observational and experimental data provide precious and unique information about New Physics and about the Early Universe physical conditions. The generation of the baryon component of the Universe, its structure and possible antimatter domains, its chemical composition, generation of leptonic asymmetry, neutrino oscillations in the early Universe, Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, particle creation, reheating, processes with chiral tensor particles are among the fascinating themes discussed. The book is intended to all interested in natural sciences, and is especially useful for specialists in the field of Astrophysics, Astroparticle Physics, Neutrino Physics and Cosmology.