Alfredo Medio is currently Professor of Mathematical Economics at the University 'Ca' Foscari' of Venice and Director of the International Center of Economics and Finance at the Venice International University. After receiving a Ph.D. in Economics from Cambridge University he taught at several universities around the world, including the New School for Social Research (New York), the Ecole of Hautes Etudes in Sciences Sociales (Marseilles), Duke University and the University of Paris. He also served as Economic Affairs Officer of UNCTAD (Geneva). Professor Medio is the author of numerous articles published in learned journals and of the book Chaotic Dynamics: Theory and Applications to Economics (Cambridge University Press, 1992).
1. Statics and dynamics: some elementary concepts
2. Review of linear systems
3. Stability of fixed points
4. Invariant and attracting sets, periodic and quasiperiodic orbits
5. Local bifurcations
6. Chaotic sets and chaotic attractors
7. Characteristic exponents, fractals, homoclinic orbits
8. Transition to chaos
9. The ergodic approach
10. Deterministic systems and stochastic processes.