Each work reflects a specific aspect of the language. Linguistic features are also evident in the works of Normurad Norkobilov. This pamphlet is devoted to the linguopoetics of the author's novel "Qoraquyun" and discusses in detail the interpretation of linguistic features in the work. Although the work is an example of modern literature, it is valuable because it takes place over the centuries. This increases the value of the work analysis. During the research, the author's toponyms, archaic words, aspects of anthroponyms that are not found in other works, the specificity of the textual and semantic structure; effective use of all elements of analogy: lexical, grammatical and direct analogy, high use of words in terms of form and meaning, I consider it a major achievement that the ability to use phrasal verbs and figurative meanings has been proven using concrete examples.This scientific pamphlet is of special importance as it can reveal a number of problems in our linguistics on the basis of evidence.