Introduction Generalremarks This report is the second part (Vol. I/22B) of a compilation of experimental and theoretical dataonatomicmasses,nuclearbindingenergies,nucleonseparationenergies,Q-valuesofsome nuclear reactions, and parameters of the nucleon residual interaction derived from differences of nuclear binding energies. This compilation consists of two parts, Vols. I/22A and I/22B, in which data for nuclei with atomic numbersZD 1 54 andZ 55 are presented. Earlier Q-values of nuclear reactions were considered in Vol. 1/5A of the New Series of Landoldt- Börnstein [73Sc0A]. The data in our compilation are presented in tables whose format is analogous to that of other compilations of atomic masses (AM), nuclear binding energies 12 (E ), mass excesses of nuclei (ME,MED 0 for C by de?nition),Q-values, and separation B energies of a single nucleon or a pair of nucleons (S ,S ,S ,S ) [85Wa02, 85Bo10, 95Au04, n p 2n 2p 03Au03, 03AuZZ, 02Wa27, 05Au0A, 05Wa35, 01Au10, 37Li0A, 03Wa32].Atomic massesM are connected with nuclear massesM by the formula: A N M. A,Z/DM . A,Z/CZ m B . Z/ (1) A N e el 4 wheremD 510. 99892. 4/ keVD 5. 485799094. 2/ 10 u is the electron rest mass [06Ya08]. e The total binding energy of all removed electronsB . Z/ can be found in [76Hu0A] or appr- el imated with the expression given in the review of D. Lunney, J. N. Pearson and C. Thibault [03Lu10]: 2. 39 6 5. 35 B . Z/D 14. 4381 Z C 1.