For the success of geological sequestration, an
accurate estimation of migration
patterns of green-house gases is essential.
and mathematical modeling of processes in a domain
requires grid generation in the domain,
discretization of the continuum equations on the
generated grid, solution of the formed linear or
nonlinear system of discrete equations and
finally visualization of the results. In this work,
we present CO2 flow in porous media. We present the
mathematical models and their discretization for
capturing major physical processes associated with
carbon dioxide deposition in geological formations.
Some important simulations of
practical applications in 2D and 3D are presented.
The author has done the verification
of the existing software package named Athena for
understanding carbon dioxide deposition. The work
also present grid generation in geological
formation. Finite volume discretization of single
phase flow equation on adaptive grids.
accurate estimation of migration
patterns of green-house gases is essential.
and mathematical modeling of processes in a domain
requires grid generation in the domain,
discretization of the continuum equations on the
generated grid, solution of the formed linear or
nonlinear system of discrete equations and
finally visualization of the results. In this work,
we present CO2 flow in porous media. We present the
mathematical models and their discretization for
capturing major physical processes associated with
carbon dioxide deposition in geological formations.
Some important simulations of
practical applications in 2D and 3D are presented.
The author has done the verification
of the existing software package named Athena for
understanding carbon dioxide deposition. The work
also present grid generation in geological
formation. Finite volume discretization of single
phase flow equation on adaptive grids.