Forderungen nach Nachhaltigkeit und nachhaltiger Entwicklung werden angesichts der aktuellen Vielfachkrise immer lauter und eindringlicher. Bildung soll Lernende dazu befähigen, an einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung der Gesellschaft und der Umwelt mitzuwirken. Das Konzept Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung umfasst dabei alle Bereiche von Bildung, auch den Religionsunterricht. In den letzten Jahren sind einige konzeptionelle Arbeiten zu religiöser Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung entstanden. In dieser empirischen Untersuchung wird nun die Perspektive der Religionslehrer_innen in den Blick genommen. Sie beschreiben ihre Einstellungen zu und ihre Erfahrungen mit Nachhaltigkeit im Alltag und im Religionsunterricht. Es gelingt Jennifer Jakob dabei, die Rolle der Lehrer_innen in Bezug auf Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung in den Fokus zu rücken.
In the light of current multiple crises, calls for sustainability and sustainable development are becoming louder and more powerful. Education should enable learners to contribute to a sustainable development of society and environment. The education concept for a sustainable development encompasses all areas of education, thus also religious education. In recent years, a number of conceptual works on religious education for sustainable development have been published. This empirical study highlights the perspective of religious education teachers. They describe their attitudes and experiences with sustainability in everyday life and in religious education lessons. Jennifer Jakob succeeds in exploring the role of teachers in education for sustainable development.
In the light of current multiple crises, calls for sustainability and sustainable development are becoming louder and more powerful. Education should enable learners to contribute to a sustainable development of society and environment. The education concept for a sustainable development encompasses all areas of education, thus also religious education. In recent years, a number of conceptual works on religious education for sustainable development have been published. This empirical study highlights the perspective of religious education teachers. They describe their attitudes and experiences with sustainability in everyday life and in religious education lessons. Jennifer Jakob succeeds in exploring the role of teachers in education for sustainable development.