The study on Nutritional and Biochemical Investigations of Radiation Processed Food conducted by developing Health Mixes -I and II for diabetic women and adolescent girls were accepted and rated as very good. The Irradiated Health Mixes -I and II did not differ much in their nutritional quality from the non-irradiated samples indicating that the gamma irradiation at doses 0.25kGy and 0.75kGy did not alter the nutrient values of Health mixes. The shelf life of the Health Mixes -I and II showed that the CFU/g of the irradiated samples differed between two doses and also from non-irradiated samples. This indicates that irradiation controlled or lowered the microbial levels in Health Mixes. The pH and the rancidity in the non-irradiated and irradiated samples showed that the pH levels lowered over storage and rancidity increased. Indicating that the irradiated and non-irradiated samples differed in their pH and rancidity levels indicating that the irradiation has helped in lowering the rancidity levels and influencing the pH.