Oak City Tales is the fictional story of Emory Alexander, a self-proclaimed scientist seeking success and acceptance in early 20th-century Raleigh, North Carolina, through the development of countless magical potions, each infused with the dust of his enchanted stone. While Emory is certain his scientific breakthroughs will change the world for the better, not all residents of the capital city are so sure. Using downtown Raleigh as the testing site for each newly concocted potion, Emory quickly sends the sleepy, southern city into chaos. When Emory is discovered as the mastermind behind the city's woes, a manhunt ensues that forces him to decide just how far he will go to prove that his potions not only work, but deserve the attention of the entire world. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Who was Emory Alexander? What led him to make the most groundbreaking scientific discoveries of the 20th century? And, most importantly, why have you never heard of him? In the early 1900s, Raleigh, North Carolina, became the living laboratory of a self-taught scientist whose experimentation with potions and a magical stone thrust the City into a season of wonder, fear, and chaos. While many have fought to keep Emory Alexander's story quiet for the past one hundred years, each for their own reasons, recently a cache of documents was discovered that pieces together the truth behind those forgotten, tumultuous months in the capital city's history. If you have ever been in Raleigh and seen something out of the ordinary or that was just not quite right, you have witnessed firsthand the scientific legacy of Emory Alexander. Read now the recovered writings, articles, and memos that help shed light on this enigmatic visionary of Raleigh's past.
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