Cristian Korn's elegantly abstracted forms of color and shape reside within well orchestrated scorings of graphite - the skeletal remains of his academic past. Each color rests upon its frame in an exchange of intention and emotion.The evolution of an artist=s journey speaks volumes. With well earned skill one can readily choose direction. Maturation and humility are present in KORN=s work, and then assuredly applied in his direct and fluid approach to his canvases. Having been through Argentina=s, then Europe=s finest academies, Korn's classical foundation is hard earned and cemented eternally within the body of each work. Though he desires to free himself from its constraints, it remains the underbelly, keeping all well grounded, as he speaks of, and seeks freedom, to become its wistful poet, as painter - a Siddhartha- like quest for the essential encapsulation of a thing, a moment, an experience, achieving with a rhythmic thrust, the perfect balance between imagination and reality. These are transformative canvases, infused with vibrant color, lush brushwork, and bold compositions.Maija K. Laurens Critique -Writer; Curator