The Tokyo-based photography art duo Zoren Gold and Minori Murakami of Zoren & Minori translate their love for photography and art into spellbinding imagery by exploring free forms of photographic expression.
Their shared interest in 'pushing the boundaries of photography' has led them to experiment with combining photography, illustration, collage, graphic design and hand made props resulting in a formula that delights the senses. Zoren & Minori's strength not only lies in the masterful conception of fantasy worlds depicting sirens in high fashion photo shoots, but also in their creation of sensual, seductive and illusive scenery blurring the line between fiction and reality.
"Object that Dreams" features both commercial and personal projects from fashion photography to cover art and video stills for music acts - a stunning collection of their provocative and cheerfully bizarre work that has made them a smashing success.
Their shared interest in 'pushing the boundaries of photography' has led them to experiment with combining photography, illustration, collage, graphic design and hand made props resulting in a formula that delights the senses. Zoren & Minori's strength not only lies in the masterful conception of fantasy worlds depicting sirens in high fashion photo shoots, but also in their creation of sensual, seductive and illusive scenery blurring the line between fiction and reality.
"Object that Dreams" features both commercial and personal projects from fashion photography to cover art and video stills for music acts - a stunning collection of their provocative and cheerfully bizarre work that has made them a smashing success.