High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! The Octoechos (Greek: ; Slavonic: , Oktoikh, or , Osmoglasnik) literally, the book "of the Eight Tones" contains an eight-week cycle, providing texts to be chanted for every day at Vespers, Matins, the Divine Liturgy, Compline and (on Sundays) the Midnight Office. Each week begins a new mode (Greek: , échos) or tone (Slavonic: á , glás' ), and within that mode texts are provided for each day of the week. The new mode begins with Saturday night Vespers. Sometimes the word "Octoechos" will be used to describe a briefer volume that contains only the texts for the Sunday services. To distinguish the full version from the briefer one, the term Parakl tik (Greek: ) can be used to describe the complete volume. The word Parakl tik comes from the Greek parakalein ( ), meaning, "to supplicate" (the more penitential texts are found on weekdays).