An imaginative adventure featuring a flock of chickens as they traverse an apocalyptic wasteland populated by nature's usual killers and...the undead. Billed as "a modern Watership Down meets The Walking Dead-but with a lot more feathers!" A foul wind blows through the chicken coop. The flock's caretaker no longer comes to collect Chickory's eggs or bring her feed, and the stench of death is everywhere. Her friend Fayne is haunted by visions of danger and by a prophecy of safety beyond the farthest horizon a chicken has ever known. With the help of their faithful farm dog, Chickory must convince her flock to follow Fayne into a frightening world of disease and predators, both natural...and unnatural. Their survival may depend on fateful premonitions, but in order to save the world of humans and birds, Chickory must discover the truth behind the prophecy, the valley, and the sickness that turned their keepers into undead killers. Readers of animal classics such as Plague Dogs and Call of the Wild, as well as lovers of the undead, will find modern heroes in Chickory and Fayne.
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