The arrival by the sea: This essay shows that the arrival of the human species in Eurasia, was done by the sea. The journey was made with the Indian plate. It was isolated about 190 M years ago. Around 70 million years, the pressure of the Indian plate causes the beginning of the tectonic shock that creates an extinction and raises the Himalayas. The passengers of the Indian plate disembark white with fear and changed by this other climate. Genetic traces show that the migrating species created societies to survive. On arrival, the mutant species visits Eurasia. It settles down. Its original social model lives in base 2. It becomes aware of itself, creates a nomadic culture, technical, inspired by animals, adaptable, united and educational. For 8000 years, it has been perverting itself in the imbalance of the relationship with the Other. The current economic model is opposed to demography and the Biosphere. New creative means of survival are emerging. The return of collectives ofterritories can remake meaning and society. The strength of the collective instinct is attacked by the will to privatize the living on a large scale. Survival requires us to remain human.