Oil plants are extremely important for mankind. They are of interest for local food and offer possibilities for processing into products needed for modern life. Soybean oil has long been the world's most important vegetable fat.Pentaclethra macrophylla benth is an oleaginous plant from the forests of the DR Congo, which the F.A.O. recommends for its development. Its seeds, which are consumed by certain tribes in the DR Congo, are rich in lipids and proteins of plant origin and produce oils that meet the criteria of good nutritional quality. They also contain mineral elements necessary for the proper functioning of the body. The oils obtained by pressing are more resistant to oxidation caused by air than those obtained by solvent extraction, thanks to the minor compounds contained in their unsaponifiable part. They contain unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic, linoleic and linolenic acid, which are essential for the proper metabolic functioning of the body.