This book deals with the study of properties of Boolean near-rings. we present the result that every Boolean near-ring is weakly commutative. By using this result we provide a simple proof for Steve Light's result that every DC Boolean near-ring is a Boolean ring. We also prove some interesting results relating to Boolean near-rings We show that every maximal ideal in a Boolean near-ring is prime. But the converse is in general not true and an example is given to this effect. We prove that if N is a zero-symmetric Boolean near-ring, then for every e belong to N, Ne is an ideal of N. Moreover we prove that every left ideal of an arbitrary Boolean near-ring is an ideal. An example is given to show that every right ideal of a Boolean near-ring is not an ideal, in general.We also prove that every subdirectly irreducible Boolean near-distribution ring having a nonzero element is a two-element field.