This book starts by introducing Open Educational Resources(OER)and ponders searching the decade long history for factors which has made OER a success in some countries and trivial impact in the majority world. The aim of the thesis is to learn from the success stories of OER movement in the western world and to see if that can be replicated. The main purpose of this study is to examine the interests, opinions, and thoughts about OER and its suitability for education by involving educators from majority world. The study's perspective has been to design a short open online course on Wikiversity for educators primarily targeted towards K-12, which will introduce them to OER movement and record their experience. This online course has followed the action research method and adhered to unobtrusive data collection methods. The participants from different nations were asked to create their own blog/group community blog to submit their comments, assignments, and recommendations to use and to further explore OER in their geographic area.