Nand K. JhaOptimization and Sustainability
Theory and Practice
Nand K. Jha has had an extended and distinguished career in engineering education. Over the past 40 years, he has been involved in mechanical engineering education in various capacities. He is deeply involved in teaching, research, and the development of mechanical engineering curricula at both undergraduate and graduate levels. In this extended run of teaching and research, he has contributed significantly to manufacturing science, optimization, robotics and automation, green design, and manufacturing. He has published close to 100 papers and books. In his long tenure in the academic field, several organizations have invited him to deliver lectures on research topics of his interest.
Introduction to Sustainability Principles, and its Effect on Design and
Manufacturing, and other Engineering Field. Ecological Consideration in
Engineering. Mathematical Tools for Sustainability. Theory of Optimization
and Nonlinear Programming. Geometric Programming Formulation and
Sustainability Considerations. Introduction to Signomial Geometric Program
(GPG): Standard Form Presentation. Stochastic Geometric Programming and its
Application; Engineering. Formulations and Solution of Sustainability
Problems. Applications of Geometric Programming to Manufacturing
Engineering and Control Problems under Sustainability Considerations.
Geometric Programming and Applications to Chemical Engineering Problems.
Geometric Programming and its Applications to Electrical and Communication
Engineering for Minimization of Energy Use. Geometric Programming and
Sustainable Engineering. Financial Engineering and Sustainability