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  • Broschiertes Buch

It is my strong belief that writing a textbook consti- versity of Athens, Greece, for her contribution as a tutes an obligation for the academician towards his co-author of Chap. 16 "Prophylactic and Therap- students, as well as towards his colleagues who are in tic Use of Antibiotics in Dentistry. " search of continuing education. Dr. C. Alexandridis, Professor and Chairman, De- Keeping this obligation in mind and given the partment of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, School developments in the field of oral and maxillofacial of Dentistry, University of Athens, Greece, for surgery and the…mehr

It is my strong belief that writing a textbook consti- versity of Athens, Greece, for her contribution as a tutes an obligation for the academician towards his co-author of Chap. 16 "Prophylactic and Therap- students, as well as towards his colleagues who are in tic Use of Antibiotics in Dentistry. " search of continuing education. Dr. C. Alexandridis, Professor and Chairman, De- Keeping this obligation in mind and given the partment of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, School developments in the field of oral and maxillofacial of Dentistry, University of Athens, Greece, for surgery and the recent impressive achievements in writing Chap. 12, "Surgical Treatment of Radicular technology that have been noted, the writing of Cysts" and his contribution as a co-author of this book, which was based on the many years of Chap. 15, "Osseointegrated Implants. " experience of the author and contributors as well as Dr. E. Stefanou, Associate Professor, Department of the pertinent contemporary international bibliogra- Oral Diagnosis and Radiology, School of Dentistry, phy concerning oral surgery, was considered impera- University of Athens, Greece, for writing Chap. 2, tive. "Radiographic Examination in Oral Surgery. " This book aims to give the dental student and the Dr. A. Pefanis, Consultant in Internal Medicine general practitioner practical guidance in the form of and Infectious Diseases, School of Medicine, U- an atlas, which includes surgical procedures that may versity of Athens, Greece, for his contribution as a be performed in the dental office. co-author of Chap.
From the reviews:

"Because this book is intended as a practical guide for various surgical procedures in the form of an atlas, the focus is on the excellent illustrations. ... The author succeeds by providing excellent step-by-step, high quality illustrations and keeping the theory concise. Dental students and professionals are the intended audience. ... This beautiful illustration guide of minor surgical techniques is ideal for students and young professionals to complement more theoretical books. ... is a great addition to more comprehensive reference books in oral surgery." (Bart Paul Vandenberghe, Doody's Review Service, September, 2008)
Aus den Rezensionen: "Das ... Werk ... bereichert das Angebot an Büchern über die Zahnärztliche Chirurgie. Es wendet sich ... an Zahnmedizin-Studenten, Assistenten in Weiterbildung sowie an niedergelassene allgemein-zahnärzlich [sic] tätige Kollegen. Diesem Anspruch wird das Buch durch seinen stringenten Aufbau, das opulente Bildmaterial und das klare didaktische Konzept voll und ganz gerecht. Die Kombination aus illustrierenden Zeichnungen und klinischen Fotos macht die Lektüre anschaulich und ... gut verständlich. Hierbei gebührt auch dem Springer-Verlag Lob, der die Intention des Autors durch das entsprechende Layout konsequent umgesetzt hat ..." (Dr. Dr. Andreas Born, in: Zahnmedizin up2date, 2007, Vol. 1, Issue 1, S. 7-8)