Auguste R. Endrés was perhaps the most proficient and dedicated botanist who ever studied the orchid flora of Costa Rica. A talented illustrator and infatigable explorer, he revealed for the first time the astonishing orchid diversity of this biological paradise. His life and accomplishments, as well as his botanical legacy - composed of hundreds of specimens, detailed descriptions and fine drawings - were however largely neglected after his premature death. This work presents the essential facts about the enigmatic figure of Endrés, his biography, his wokr as a botanist and orchid illustrator, and the natural and human world that formed a background to his short and productive life. The second volume gathers most of Endrés' beautiful drawings, many of which of orchid species rarely or never seen before, and represents a complete catalogue of the botanical treasure amassed by Endrés in his Costa Rican journey and now conserved at the Natural History Museum of Vienna, properly identified and updated to the recent nomenclature.