This qualitative study explored the ways that maleMBA students enteringhighly demanding careers envision their personal andprofessional lives. Thepurpose of this research was as follows: 1) to beginfilling gaps in a literature thatoffers few studies on male MBAs especially those inthe anticipatory stages oftheir careers and their orientations to personaland professional life; 2) tohighlight salient issues that clinicians may face inworking with this population;and 3) to ascertain themes that can serve as afoundation for additional researchwith men like those in the current study.Participants included a group of 12 male MBAstudents, ages 26-35,enrolled in the first or second year of a top-ranked,full-time graduate businessprogram. Subjects had either received a job offer orintended to obtain positions invarious segments of the financial services industry,including investment bankingand management consulting. Data were collected usingan in-depth, semistructuredinterview designed to elicit narratives from eachparticipant regardinghis vision of personal and professional life.