This volume presents papers from the 10th Working Conference of the IFIP WG 8.6 on the adoption and diffusion of information systems and technologies. It explores the dynamics of how some technological innovation efforts succeed while others fail. The book looks to expand the research agenda, paying special attention to the areas of theoretical perspectives, methodologies, and organizational sectors.
I am honored to be General Chair for the 2007 (10_^) Working Conference of IFIP Working Group 8.6.1 had some part in helping with the formation of this working group. Participating in this conference in Manchester reflects my interest in the working group and its research domain. The conference is also something of an anniversary, since the second conference of the working group was held nearby 10 years ago. I have some reflections on the formation and early conferences of the working group, the comparative advantage of being sponsored by IFIP and TC8, the reasons for WG 8.6, and the important contributions of the working group and this conference. Reflections on the Formation of WG 8.6 and Early Conferences I was Chair of the IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing) Technical Committee 8 (Information Systems) for two terms from 1990 through 1995. It was in 1993 when the proposal was made to form a new working group on Diffusion and Adoption of Information Technology. I supported the proposal and remember well how active and persuasive Priscilla Fowler and Linda Levine were in making the case for establishing a new working group.
I am honored to be General Chair for the 2007 (10_^) Working Conference of IFIP Working Group 8.6.1 had some part in helping with the formation of this working group. Participating in this conference in Manchester reflects my interest in the working group and its research domain. The conference is also something of an anniversary, since the second conference of the working group was held nearby 10 years ago. I have some reflections on the formation and early conferences of the working group, the comparative advantage of being sponsored by IFIP and TC8, the reasons for WG 8.6, and the important contributions of the working group and this conference. Reflections on the Formation of WG 8.6 and Early Conferences I was Chair of the IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing) Technical Committee 8 (Information Systems) for two terms from 1990 through 1995. It was in 1993 when the proposal was made to form a new working group on Diffusion and Adoption of Information Technology. I supported the proposal and remember well how active and persuasive Priscilla Fowler and Linda Levine were in making the case for establishing a new working group.