Organizational stress of university teachers is recognized in India. Career development and stress is interlinked particularly in those organizations emphasizing the relationship between career development and experience. But, if there is no scope for upward mobility in spite of need for a change then Locked-in circumstances will arise, originating undesirable consequences in the teaching-learning process. This book elaborates the nature and level of the locked-in feeling of the group of stagnated teachers designated as Reader. The fatal effects of being locked-in for a prolonged period. The coping strategies adopted by those stagnated teachers. The book contains chapters on education in India, recruitment process, service conditions of university teachers. It discusses the concept of occupational locking-in, organizational stress and strain.Rich empirical data was gathered from university teachers, both male and female, for the study, which was analyzed through adopting sophisticated statistical techniques before drawing logical conclusions. The analysis should be useful to researchers, bureaucrats, policy makers and those who are keen to know about organizational stress.