"...For a long time considered as a simple aspect...or even a by-product...of psychology or counselling, for the last twenty years or so, School and Vocational Guidance has become clearer, a specific field of research and above all of intervention..." (J. Limoges, 1994). This work examines the specificity of the field of guidance and monitors the access of scientific personnel to the academic function in Higher Education and University in DR Congo. It is the publication of the results of research carried out to obtain a DEA in human rights at the Unesco Chair of the University of Kinshasa (2010). Through this publication, the author attempts to answer a question whose substance is found in the "World Declaration of ESU: Vision and Action" (UNESCO, 1998): "Access to the academic profession in higher and university education should be based exclusively on academic qualifications, competence and experience, and should be open to all citizens without discrimination" (UNESCO).