Frontmatter -- Preface -- Contents -- 1. The study of aggression: Determinants, consequences, goals and functions / A. Hinde, Robert -- 2. Phylogenetic adaptation as determinants of aggressive behavior in man / Eibl-Eibesfeldt, Irenaus -- 3. Factors facilitating development of aggressive behavior in chimpanzees and humans / A. Hamburg, David / van Lawick-Goodall, Jane -- 4. Aggressive behavior and its brain mechanisms (as exemplified by an experimental analysis of the rat's mouse-killing behavior) / Karli, Pierre -- 5. The genesis of aggressive criminality: Implications of a study of crime in a Danish twin study / O. Christiansen, Karl -- 6. The hostile and instrumental functions of human aggression / Gail Rule, Brendan -- 7. External determinants of impulsive aggression / Berkowitz, Leonard -- 8. The development and regulation of aggression: Some research gaps and a proposed cognitive approach / Feshbach, Seymour -- 9. Promise and problems of cross-cultural exploration of children's aggressive strategies / W. Lambert, William -- 10. The convergence of laboratory and field studies of the development of aggression / D. Eron, Leonard / O. Walder, Leopold / Rowell Huesmann, L. / M. Lefkowitz, Monroe -- 11. Personality factors and aggression: With special reference to violence within the peer group / Olweus, Dan -- 12. The development of aggression: Problems and perspectives / W. Hartup, Willard / de Wit, Jan -- 13. Origins of aggressive behavior: A selected bibliography / B. Sawin, Douglas / Sawin, Linda -- Author index -- Subject index -- Backmatter