3 Angebote ab € 3,66 €
  • Gebundenes Buch

This book tells you about Oups who has come to Earth from the Planet of the heart to get to know the people and to tell them about his star. Oups loves the human beings and their planet Earth. However, he sadly learns that love on Earth is threatened...

This book tells you about Oups
who has come to Earth from the
Planet of the heart to get to know
the people and to tell them about
his star.
Oups loves the human beings
and their planet Earth. However,
he sadly learns that love on Earth
is threatened...
Conny Wolf, geb. und aufgewachsen in Bayern, verheiratet, arbeitete nach ihrem Kommunikations-Design-Studium in Augsburg als Artdirektorin bei Agenturen in München, Berlin und Frankfurt. Seit 1993 lebt und arbeitet sie als freischaffende Illustratorin und Malerin in Österreich.