Semiconductor power diodes were first marketed in 1953. It was realized from the outset that these devices had very limited overload capacities and, as they were expensive, the fuse manufactures attempted to produce fuses which were more sensitive to overloads and which would operate more quickly than their conventional designs. As a result, the first applications were filed in 1955 for patents on fuses specifically designed to protect semiconductor rectifiers. The invention of thyristors and the subsequent rapid expansion of the power-electronics industry, which it initiated, made the need for semiconductor fuses even more apparent. Unfortunately, the power semiconductor devices still have poor overload capacities and continue to need sensitive and fast-acting protection. The book as a whole gives a comprehensive treatment of power semiconductor overcurrent protection by special fuses and applies alike to researchers, experts, engineers, university specialists and students whichstudy theory, design, test or operate with power semiconductor equipment protected by fuses.
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