Are you struggling with toxic emotions that have pushed you to develop a negative mindset? Do you struggle with over thinking and often find yourself lost in your thoughts? Have you been looking for a book that'll help you transform your thinking and make you live a positive life? If your answer is yes to any of these questions, then great news! You've found the perfect book! According to research, 73% of people struggle with over thinking. This means they dwell on or worry about the same thoughts repeatedly, analyze situations for too long, and paralyze themselves from making productive decisions in their lives. Does this feel like you? In this book we will discuss the following topics:What Is Overthinking? What Causes Overthinking? How to Declutter Your Mind How to Declutter Your Environment How to Declutter Relationships And Many More! No matter where you are now this book will bring you great value, the road to success is to take clear and decisive action. Break free from your negative thoughts and change your life now for the better! Unlock your unlimited potential and start living!