Main description:
General Description of the Series:
The critically acclaimed laboratory standard for more than forty years, Methods in Enzymology is one of the most highly respected publications in the field of biochemistry. Since 1955, each volume has been eagerly awaited, frequently consulted, and praised by researchers and reviewers alike. Now with more than 300 volumes (all of them still in print), the series contains much material still relevant today--truly an essential publication for researchers in all fields of life sciences.
Key - Oxidative Damage to Lipids, Proteins, and Nucleic Acids
- Antioxidant Assays in Cells, Body Fluids, and Tissues
- Oxidant and Redox Sensitive Steps in Signal Transduction and Gene Expression
- Noninvasive Methods
Review quote:
Praise for the Volume
"This volume is highly recommended for anyone with an interest in studies of NO. Since applications in so many different areas are covered and since the roles of NO are so varied and its presence ubiquitous, this volume should be of general usefulness for investigators in many different fields."
--Gene A. Homandberg, PhD, Rush Medical College of Rush University for DOODY'S ELECTRONC JOURNAL
Praise for the Series
"The Methods in Enzymology series represents the gold-standard."
"Incomparably useful."
"It is a true 'methods' series, including almost every detail from basic theory to sources of equipment and reagents, with timely documentation provided on each page."
"The series has been following the growing, changing and creation of new areas of science. It should be on the shelves of all libraries in the world as a whole collection."
"The appearance of another volume in that excellent series, Methods in Enzymology, is always a cause for appreciation for those who wish to successfully carry out a particular technique or prepare an enzyme or metabolic intermediate without the tiresome prospect of searching through unfamiliar literature and perhaps selecting an unproven method which is not easily reproduced."
"If we had some way to find the work most often consulted in the laboratory, it could well be the multi-volume series Methods in Enzymology...a great work."
"A series that has established itself as a definitive reference for biochemists."
Table of contents:
Oxidative Damage to Lipids, Proteins and Nucleic Acids:
J.D. Morrow and L.J. Roberts II,Mass Spectrometric Quantification of F2-Isoprostanes in Biological Fluids and Tissues as a Measure of Oxidant Stress.
J. Nourooz-Zadeh, Improved GC-MS Assay for the Measurement of Plasma Isoprostanes.
G.T. Shwaery, H. Mowri, J.F. Keaney, Jr., and B. Frei, Preparation of Lipid Hydroperoxide-Free LDL.
W. Korytowski, PG. Geiger, and A.W. Girotti, Lipid Hydroperoxide Analysis by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with Mercury Cathode Electrochemical Detection.
A.M. Pastorino, A. Zamburlini, L. Zennaro, M. Maiorino, and F. Ursini, Measurement of Lipid Hydroperoxides in Human Plasma and Lipoproteins by Kinetic Analysis of Photon Emission.
G.J. Handelman, HPLC Analysis of Cholesterol Linoleate Hydroperoxide in Oxidized LDL, with Calibration by Conjugated Diene Internal Standard.
G.T. Shwaery, J.M. Samii, B. Frei, and J.F. Keaney, Jr., Determination of Phospholipid Oxidation in Cultured Cells.
J. Nourooz-Zadeh, Ferrous Ion Oxidation in the Presence of Xylenol Orange for the Detection of Lipid Hydroperoxides in Plasma.
T.R. Dugas and D.F. Church, Purification and Characterization of Phospholipid for Use in Lipid Oxidation Studies.
H.C. Yeo, J.K. Liu, H.J. Helbock, K.B. Beckman, and B.N. Ames, Malondialdehyde Assay in Biological Fluids by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry.
P.A. Glascott, Jr. and J. Farber, Assessment of the Physiological Interaction Between Vitamin E and Vitamin C.
Proteins and Nucleic Acids:
S.L. Hazen, F.F. Hsu, J.P. Gaut, J.R. Crowley, and J.W. Heinecke, Modification of Proteins and Lipids by Myeloperoxidase.
C.C. Winterbourn and H. Buss, Protein Carbonyl Measurement by ELISA.
A.J. Kettle, Detection of 3-Chlorotyrosine in Proteins Exposed to Neutrophil Oxidants.
S.A. Lewisch and R.L. Levine, Determination of 2-Oxohistidine by Amino Acid Analysis.
J.W. Heinecke, F.F. Hsu, J.R. Crowley, S.L. Hazen, C. Leeuwenburgh, D.M. Mueller, J.E. Rasmussen, and J. Turk, Detecting Oxidative Modifications of Biomolecules with Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry: Sensitive and Quantitative Assays for Oxidized Amino Acids in Proteins and Tissues.
P. Evans, L. Lyras, and B. Halliwell, Measurement of Protein Carbonyls in Human Brain Tissue.
H.J. Helbock, and B.N. Ames, 8-Hydroxydeoxyguanosine and 8-Hydroxyguanine as Biomarkers of Oxidative DNA Damage.
S. Loft, and H.E. Poulsen, Markers of Oxidative Damage to DNA: Antioxidants and Molecular Damage.
S.M. Piperakis, E.E. Visvardis, and A.M. Tassiou, Comet Assay for Nuclear DNA Damage.
A.J.S.C. Viera, J.P. Telo, and R.M.B. Dias, Generation of Hydroxyl Radical by Photolysis of Mercaptopyridine N-Oxides: Application to the Redox Chemistry of Purines.
B. Li, P.L. Gutierrez, and N. Blough, Trace Determination of Hydroxyl Radical Using Fluorescence Detection.
Antioxidant Assays in Cells, Body Fluids and Tissues:
H.Z. Chae, S.W. Kang, and S.G. Rhee, Isoforms of Mammalian Peroxiredoxin That Reduce Peroxides in the Presence of Thioredoxin.
E.S.J. Arnér, L. Zhong, and A. Holmgren, Preparation and Assay of Mammalian Thioredoxin and Thioredoxin Reductase.
J. Moskovitz, B.S. Berlett, J.M. Poston, and E.R. Stadtman, Methionine Sulfoxide Reductase in Antioxidant Defense.
P. Venditti, T. DeLeo, and S. DiMeo, Determination of Tissue Susceptibility to Oxidative Stress by an Enhanced Luminescence Technique.
M. Hiramatsu and M. Komatsu, Measurement of Hydroxyl Radical by Salicylate in Striatum of the Intact Brain.
S.E. Buxser, G. Sawada, and T.J. Raub, Analytical and Numerical Techniques for Evaluation of Free Radical Damage in Cultured Cells Using Imaging Cytometry and Fluorescent Indicators.
H. Yokoyama, In Vivo Measurement of Hydrogen Peroxide by Microelectrodes.
R. Kohen, E. Beit-Yannai, E.M. Berry, and O. Tirosh, Overall Low Molecular Weight Antioxidant Activity of Biological Fluids and Tissues by Cyclic Voltammetry.
I.N. Acworth, M.B. Bogdanov, D.R. McCabe, and M.F. Beal, Estimation of Hydroxyl Free Radical Levels in Vivo Based on Liquid Chromatography with Electrochemical Detection.
A.M.O. Brett, S.H.P. Serrano, M.A. La-Scalea, I.G.R. Gutz, and M.L. Cruz, Mechanism of Interaction of in situ Produced Nitroimidazole Reduction Derivatives with DNA Using an Electrochemical DNA Biosensor.
S. Ryter, E. Kvam, and R.M. Tyrrell, Heme Oxygenase Activity Determination by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography. Oxidant and Redox Sensitive Steps in Signal Transduction and Gene Expression:
A. Kumar and B.B. Aggarwal, Assay for Redox Sensitive Kinases.
M.B. Grisham, V.J. Palombella, P. Elliot, E.M. Conner, S. Brand, H. Wong, C. Pien, and A. Destree, Inhibition of NF-kB Activation in Vitro and in Vivo: Role of 26S Proteosome.
Y.M.W. Janssen and C.K. Sen, Nuclear Factor kB Activity in Response to Oxidants and Antioxidants.
M. Spiecker and J.K. Liao, Assessing the Induction of IkB by NO.
A. Hausladen and J.S. Stamler, Nitrosative Stress.
S. Roy, C.K. Sen, and L. Packer, Determination of Cell-Cell Adhesion in Response to Oxidants and Antioxidants.
K. Gohil, S. Roy, L. Packer, and C.K. Sen, Antioxidant Regulation of Gene Expression: Analysis of Differentially Expressed mRNAs.
Noninvasive Methods:
J.J. Theile and L. Packer, Noninvasive Measurement of d-Tocopherol Pradients in Human Stratum Corneum by HPLC Analysis of Sequential Tape Strippings.
G. Sauermann, W.P. Mei, U. Hoppe, and F. Stäb, Ultraweak Photon Emission of Human Skin in Vivo: Influence of Topically Applied Antioxidants on Human Skin.
R. Kohen, D. Fanberstein, A. Zelkowicz, O. Tirosh, and S. Farfouri, Noninvasive in Vivo Evaluation of Skin Antioxidant Activity and Oxidation Status.
I. Popov and G. Lewin, Antioxidative Homeostasis: Characterization by Means of Chemiluminescent Technique.
E.R. Mohler III and D.R. Hathaway, Clinical Use of Photoionization Gas Chromatography for Detection of Lipid Peroxidation.
H.A. Lehr, B. Vallmar, P. Vajkoczy, and M.D. Menger, Intravital Fluorescence Microscopy for Study of Leukocyte Interaction with Platelets and Endothelial Cells.
Subject Index.
Author Index.
General Description of the Series:
The critically acclaimed laboratory standard for more than forty years, Methods in Enzymology is one of the most highly respected publications in the field of biochemistry. Since 1955, each volume has been eagerly awaited, frequently consulted, and praised by researchers and reviewers alike. Now with more than 300 volumes (all of them still in print), the series contains much material still relevant today--truly an essential publication for researchers in all fields of life sciences.
Key - Oxidative Damage to Lipids, Proteins, and Nucleic Acids
- Antioxidant Assays in Cells, Body Fluids, and Tissues
- Oxidant and Redox Sensitive Steps in Signal Transduction and Gene Expression
- Noninvasive Methods
Review quote:
Praise for the Volume
"This volume is highly recommended for anyone with an interest in studies of NO. Since applications in so many different areas are covered and since the roles of NO are so varied and its presence ubiquitous, this volume should be of general usefulness for investigators in many different fields."
--Gene A. Homandberg, PhD, Rush Medical College of Rush University for DOODY'S ELECTRONC JOURNAL
Praise for the Series
"The Methods in Enzymology series represents the gold-standard."
"Incomparably useful."
"It is a true 'methods' series, including almost every detail from basic theory to sources of equipment and reagents, with timely documentation provided on each page."
"The series has been following the growing, changing and creation of new areas of science. It should be on the shelves of all libraries in the world as a whole collection."
"The appearance of another volume in that excellent series, Methods in Enzymology, is always a cause for appreciation for those who wish to successfully carry out a particular technique or prepare an enzyme or metabolic intermediate without the tiresome prospect of searching through unfamiliar literature and perhaps selecting an unproven method which is not easily reproduced."
"If we had some way to find the work most often consulted in the laboratory, it could well be the multi-volume series Methods in Enzymology...a great work."
"A series that has established itself as a definitive reference for biochemists."
Table of contents:
Oxidative Damage to Lipids, Proteins and Nucleic Acids:
J.D. Morrow and L.J. Roberts II,Mass Spectrometric Quantification of F2-Isoprostanes in Biological Fluids and Tissues as a Measure of Oxidant Stress.
J. Nourooz-Zadeh, Improved GC-MS Assay for the Measurement of Plasma Isoprostanes.
G.T. Shwaery, H. Mowri, J.F. Keaney, Jr., and B. Frei, Preparation of Lipid Hydroperoxide-Free LDL.
W. Korytowski, PG. Geiger, and A.W. Girotti, Lipid Hydroperoxide Analysis by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with Mercury Cathode Electrochemical Detection.
A.M. Pastorino, A. Zamburlini, L. Zennaro, M. Maiorino, and F. Ursini, Measurement of Lipid Hydroperoxides in Human Plasma and Lipoproteins by Kinetic Analysis of Photon Emission.
G.J. Handelman, HPLC Analysis of Cholesterol Linoleate Hydroperoxide in Oxidized LDL, with Calibration by Conjugated Diene Internal Standard.
G.T. Shwaery, J.M. Samii, B. Frei, and J.F. Keaney, Jr., Determination of Phospholipid Oxidation in Cultured Cells.
J. Nourooz-Zadeh, Ferrous Ion Oxidation in the Presence of Xylenol Orange for the Detection of Lipid Hydroperoxides in Plasma.
T.R. Dugas and D.F. Church, Purification and Characterization of Phospholipid for Use in Lipid Oxidation Studies.
H.C. Yeo, J.K. Liu, H.J. Helbock, K.B. Beckman, and B.N. Ames, Malondialdehyde Assay in Biological Fluids by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry.
P.A. Glascott, Jr. and J. Farber, Assessment of the Physiological Interaction Between Vitamin E and Vitamin C.
Proteins and Nucleic Acids:
S.L. Hazen, F.F. Hsu, J.P. Gaut, J.R. Crowley, and J.W. Heinecke, Modification of Proteins and Lipids by Myeloperoxidase.
C.C. Winterbourn and H. Buss, Protein Carbonyl Measurement by ELISA.
A.J. Kettle, Detection of 3-Chlorotyrosine in Proteins Exposed to Neutrophil Oxidants.
S.A. Lewisch and R.L. Levine, Determination of 2-Oxohistidine by Amino Acid Analysis.
J.W. Heinecke, F.F. Hsu, J.R. Crowley, S.L. Hazen, C. Leeuwenburgh, D.M. Mueller, J.E. Rasmussen, and J. Turk, Detecting Oxidative Modifications of Biomolecules with Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry: Sensitive and Quantitative Assays for Oxidized Amino Acids in Proteins and Tissues.
P. Evans, L. Lyras, and B. Halliwell, Measurement of Protein Carbonyls in Human Brain Tissue.
H.J. Helbock, and B.N. Ames, 8-Hydroxydeoxyguanosine and 8-Hydroxyguanine as Biomarkers of Oxidative DNA Damage.
S. Loft, and H.E. Poulsen, Markers of Oxidative Damage to DNA: Antioxidants and Molecular Damage.
S.M. Piperakis, E.E. Visvardis, and A.M. Tassiou, Comet Assay for Nuclear DNA Damage.
A.J.S.C. Viera, J.P. Telo, and R.M.B. Dias, Generation of Hydroxyl Radical by Photolysis of Mercaptopyridine N-Oxides: Application to the Redox Chemistry of Purines.
B. Li, P.L. Gutierrez, and N. Blough, Trace Determination of Hydroxyl Radical Using Fluorescence Detection.
Antioxidant Assays in Cells, Body Fluids and Tissues:
H.Z. Chae, S.W. Kang, and S.G. Rhee, Isoforms of Mammalian Peroxiredoxin That Reduce Peroxides in the Presence of Thioredoxin.
E.S.J. Arnér, L. Zhong, and A. Holmgren, Preparation and Assay of Mammalian Thioredoxin and Thioredoxin Reductase.
J. Moskovitz, B.S. Berlett, J.M. Poston, and E.R. Stadtman, Methionine Sulfoxide Reductase in Antioxidant Defense.
P. Venditti, T. DeLeo, and S. DiMeo, Determination of Tissue Susceptibility to Oxidative Stress by an Enhanced Luminescence Technique.
M. Hiramatsu and M. Komatsu, Measurement of Hydroxyl Radical by Salicylate in Striatum of the Intact Brain.
S.E. Buxser, G. Sawada, and T.J. Raub, Analytical and Numerical Techniques for Evaluation of Free Radical Damage in Cultured Cells Using Imaging Cytometry and Fluorescent Indicators.
H. Yokoyama, In Vivo Measurement of Hydrogen Peroxide by Microelectrodes.
R. Kohen, E. Beit-Yannai, E.M. Berry, and O. Tirosh, Overall Low Molecular Weight Antioxidant Activity of Biological Fluids and Tissues by Cyclic Voltammetry.
I.N. Acworth, M.B. Bogdanov, D.R. McCabe, and M.F. Beal, Estimation of Hydroxyl Free Radical Levels in Vivo Based on Liquid Chromatography with Electrochemical Detection.
A.M.O. Brett, S.H.P. Serrano, M.A. La-Scalea, I.G.R. Gutz, and M.L. Cruz, Mechanism of Interaction of in situ Produced Nitroimidazole Reduction Derivatives with DNA Using an Electrochemical DNA Biosensor.
S. Ryter, E. Kvam, and R.M. Tyrrell, Heme Oxygenase Activity Determination by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography. Oxidant and Redox Sensitive Steps in Signal Transduction and Gene Expression:
A. Kumar and B.B. Aggarwal, Assay for Redox Sensitive Kinases.
M.B. Grisham, V.J. Palombella, P. Elliot, E.M. Conner, S. Brand, H. Wong, C. Pien, and A. Destree, Inhibition of NF-kB Activation in Vitro and in Vivo: Role of 26S Proteosome.
Y.M.W. Janssen and C.K. Sen, Nuclear Factor kB Activity in Response to Oxidants and Antioxidants.
M. Spiecker and J.K. Liao, Assessing the Induction of IkB by NO.
A. Hausladen and J.S. Stamler, Nitrosative Stress.
S. Roy, C.K. Sen, and L. Packer, Determination of Cell-Cell Adhesion in Response to Oxidants and Antioxidants.
K. Gohil, S. Roy, L. Packer, and C.K. Sen, Antioxidant Regulation of Gene Expression: Analysis of Differentially Expressed mRNAs.
Noninvasive Methods:
J.J. Theile and L. Packer, Noninvasive Measurement of d-Tocopherol Pradients in Human Stratum Corneum by HPLC Analysis of Sequential Tape Strippings.
G. Sauermann, W.P. Mei, U. Hoppe, and F. Stäb, Ultraweak Photon Emission of Human Skin in Vivo: Influence of Topically Applied Antioxidants on Human Skin.
R. Kohen, D. Fanberstein, A. Zelkowicz, O. Tirosh, and S. Farfouri, Noninvasive in Vivo Evaluation of Skin Antioxidant Activity and Oxidation Status.
I. Popov and G. Lewin, Antioxidative Homeostasis: Characterization by Means of Chemiluminescent Technique.
E.R. Mohler III and D.R. Hathaway, Clinical Use of Photoionization Gas Chromatography for Detection of Lipid Peroxidation.
H.A. Lehr, B. Vallmar, P. Vajkoczy, and M.D. Menger, Intravital Fluorescence Microscopy for Study of Leukocyte Interaction with Platelets and Endothelial Cells.
Subject Index.
Author Index.