In order to learn oncology, it is necessary to acquire a comprehensive knowledge of molecular biology in carcinogenesis, and then, with this as a background, to consider the principles of the theoretical and clinical basis of the subject. For graduate students who are preparing themselves for the specialty of internal medicine or clinical oncology, and physicians who wish to become proficient in oncology, it is exceedingly difficult to be highly skilled and completely informed in this expanding field of science without a comprehensive text on the subject. This book is unique, due to its collective approach to the key aspects of the interdependency between three entities: oxidative stress, tobacco smoke and carcinogenesis, operating in a cause-effect sequence, in a concise and to the point manner. I hope this book will prove to be a helpful companion to the internist, the oncologist and the research scientist in molecular biology as well as a work of reference for the general practitioner and physician interested in cancer research.
"The book "Oxidation: The Cornerstone of Carcinogenesis" by Professor J. C. Stavridis represents a monumental work of correlating oxidation as the common pathway of causing cell damage to the bronchoepithelial cells and carcinogenesis utilized by the various tobacco smoke constituents. ...This book by Prof. Stavridis is a significant intellectual feat of the first order, bringing original insights and a comprehensive review of an area that heretofore had been unaccountably neglected." (Dr. Constantine Karakousis, Professor of Surgical Oncology) "In the first page of the book the author states: "It is important to understand the properties of dioxygen since oxidation reactions using it power not only our bodies but our entire civilization"....Written by an expert, this book does not merely address an emerging topic, but additionally it fills a void by analytically and expansively linking oxidation and carcinogenesis and providing knowledge and information to researchers and other stakeholders of scientific knowledge. I welcome the insights presented in the book and intend to include it among the reference books I provide to my students of risk assessment and management." (Dr. Demetrios J. Moschandreas, Professor of Environmental Engineering)