Michael Lewis book is about the mad situation in the stock market. It is a collection of different articles over the last decade. You can find an abstract from Liar's Poker and out of the financial newspapers. It includes articles from Krugman to other well known economists. It suits the situation
very well because the last hype is one of the last four crises in the stock market since the bad…mehrMichael Lewis book is about the mad situation in the stock market. It is a collection of different articles over the last decade. You can find an abstract from Liar's Poker and out of the financial newspapers. It includes articles from Krugman to other well known economists. It suits the situation very well because the last hype is one of the last four crises in the stock market since the bad Monday in 1987. The participants in the stock market never learned the rule that you must change the behaviour when you lost the money. The problem is, that the players on the market doesn't act with there own money. With the new shock the rules have been changed. The government bail them out.