In a world reeling from the aftermath of a cataclysmic event that has caused multiple parallel realities to collapse, Tessa finds herself thrust into a chaotic new existence. Once an ordinary young woman, Tessa discovers that she is a refugee from one of these alternate worlds, where the fabric of her reality has been irrevocably torn apart. As she navigates a fractured society struggling to accommodate an influx of displaced individuals, Tessa grapples with her identity, memories of a life she can no longer access, and the haunting question of who she truly is. In a city divided by fear and prejudice, Tessa joins forces with a diverse group of fellow refugees, each harboring their own secrets and stories of loss. Together, they advocate for acceptance and resources while facing mounting resistance from both authorities and their own communities. As Tessa uncovers the truth about her origins and the reasons behind her world's collapse, she realizes that restoring her home might come at a dire cost-one that could threaten the very fabric of the new reality they inhabit.
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