Introduction: Canons and Art History / Anna Brzyski 1
1. Measuring Canons: Reflections on Innovation and the Nineteenth-century
Canon of European Art / Robert Jensen 27
2. Canon and Globalization in Art History / James Elkins 55
3. Mere Exposure, Reproduction, and the Impressionist Canon / James Cutting
4. Imitation and Authority: The Creation of the Academic Canon in French
Art, 1648-1870 / Paul Duro 95
5. Chinese Art, the National Palace Museum, and Cold War Politics / Jane C.
Ju 115
6. Masculine Reason or Feminine Spirit: Gender Battles in the Werkbund’s
Canonization of National Style / Despina Stratigakos 135
7. Courbet, the Decorative, and the Canon: Rewriting and Rereading
Meier-Graefe’s Modern Art / Jenny Anger 157
8. The Multiple Masculinities of Canonical Modernism: James Johnson Sweeney
and Alfred H. Barr Jr. in the 1930s / Marcia Brennan 179
9. “Gardner” Variety Formalism: Helen Gardener and Art Through the Ages /
Barbara Jaffee 203
10. The Rembrandt Research Project: Issues and Controversies Raised by a
Canonical Oeuvre / Linda Stone-Ferrier 225
11. Making Art in the Age of Art History, or How to Become a Canonical
Artist / Anna Brzyski 245
12. Kinkade and the Canon: Art History’s (Ir)Relevance / Monica
Kjellman-Chapin 267
13. Canons Apart and Apartheid Canons: Interpellations beyond the Colonial
in South African Art / Julie McGee 289
14. Coda: Canons and Contemporaneity / Terry Smith 309
Bibliography 327
About the Contributors 355
Index 359