This book, 'Pastoral Approach to our Modern Pandemics: HIV/AIDS and COVID-19', without any doubt is highly informative and instructive. History reveals that we have had deadly viral infections including Spanish flu, Asian flu, HIV/AIDS and COVID-19. These pandemics have a tendency of wiping out thousands of human lives, threatening countries and the world at large. They do not respect the young or adult, women or men, Christian or non-Christian, African or non-African, white or black person, rich or poor people. The book's three objectives in the situations of pandemics are; finding out their impact on the infected and affected people, investigating the contribution of pastoral ministry, and exploring the new pastoral ministry strategies. I have tried to crystallize in this book my 11 years of pastoral experience in a pandemic environment and have given some concrete ideas on how pastoral ministry, government and non-governmental approach can be improved to reduce the negative effects of the diseases in our communities.