Warum und wann braucht man Patente, wie beantragt man sie, welche gesetzlichen Bestimmungen sind zu beachten? Die Grundgedanken des Patentrechts werden in diesem Band ebenso allgemeinverständlich vorgestellt, wie praktische Aspekte der Zusammenarbeit mit internationalen Patentanwälten. Damit schlägt der Autor eine Brücke zwischen wissenschaftlicher Forschung und juristischen Fragen.
"Patent Strategy for Researchers and Research Mergers" - Jetzt neu in der 2. aktualisierten und erweiterten Auflage. Dieser Band ist kein Lehrbuch zum Patentrecht. Vielmehr wird hier erklärt, warum man Patente braucht, warum sie so wichtig sind und welche Strategie man bei der Patentanmeldung wählen sollte. Diese 2. Auflage bietet jetzt ausführliche Informationen zu Erfindungen im Software- und Biotechnologiebereich und widmet sich verstärkt der Frage nach den Gründen und der Strategiewahl bei der Patentanmeldung. Autor Herald Knight erläutert die Grundlagen des Patentrechts, gibt Ratschläge für die internationale Zusammenarbeit mit Anwälten und vermittelt einen Überblick über die Bedeutung der Patentforschung und das Halten eines Patentportfolios. Damit schließt dieses Buch die Lücke zwischen Rechtssystem und wissenschaftlicher Forschung. Verständlich geschrieben und ohne juristischen Fachjargon.
As individuals and companies realise the importance of their inventions, issues surrounding patent laws and practices are taking centre stage around the world.
This updated edition of the best selling book has been expanded to keep pace with modern day movements and addresses the global issue surrounding intellectual property. Including new information on areas such as software and biotechnology it shows the techniques that can be used by individuals and academic inventors to protect their work and is the ideal reference source.
* Bridges the gap between the legal system and scientific research and avoids legal jargon
* Details the reasons behind patents, their importance and relevance to all researchers and the strategy needed for filing for a patent
* Focuses on the strategy and reasons rather than just being a textbook of patent law
* Adopts a readable style that explains the basics right up to developing a strategy
* Essential reading for all those who wish to keep pace and protect their work
Reviews of the First Edition
"...fulfills a most useful purpose, is soundly based and discusses patent strategy sensibly. I should like it to be compulsory reading for all newly-appointed research managers." S. M Scott - Research Policy
"...should be recommended reading for both researchers and their managers, and those who work with them." Michael Blackman - Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology
"The book does a nice job of explaining many aspects of the patent system .. I can recommend it for managing types". (Internet Patents News, 19th July 2001)
"well written in a straightforward manner" (Chemistry Industry, September 2001)
"...This handy book provides the researcher with useful guidance on how to maximise the benefit of their inventiveness..." (Journal of Chemical Technology Biotechnology, Vol.77, 2002)
"...a superbly written reference text..." (Industrial Robot, Vol.29, No.2, 2002)
Preface to the First Edition.
About the Author.
Basic Intellectual Property Concepts.
The Value of Patents.
Developing a Strategy.
Researching With Intellectual Property in Mind.
Infringement and Freedom to Operate.
Working With Attorneys, Agents, and Liaisons.
Disclosure and Filing Decisions.
After the Filing.
The Future of Intellectual Property Efforts.
Further Reading.
"Patent Strategy for Researchers and Research Mergers" - Jetzt neu in der 2. aktualisierten und erweiterten Auflage. Dieser Band ist kein Lehrbuch zum Patentrecht. Vielmehr wird hier erklärt, warum man Patente braucht, warum sie so wichtig sind und welche Strategie man bei der Patentanmeldung wählen sollte. Diese 2. Auflage bietet jetzt ausführliche Informationen zu Erfindungen im Software- und Biotechnologiebereich und widmet sich verstärkt der Frage nach den Gründen und der Strategiewahl bei der Patentanmeldung. Autor Herald Knight erläutert die Grundlagen des Patentrechts, gibt Ratschläge für die internationale Zusammenarbeit mit Anwälten und vermittelt einen Überblick über die Bedeutung der Patentforschung und das Halten eines Patentportfolios. Damit schließt dieses Buch die Lücke zwischen Rechtssystem und wissenschaftlicher Forschung. Verständlich geschrieben und ohne juristischen Fachjargon.
As individuals and companies realise the importance of their inventions, issues surrounding patent laws and practices are taking centre stage around the world.
This updated edition of the best selling book has been expanded to keep pace with modern day movements and addresses the global issue surrounding intellectual property. Including new information on areas such as software and biotechnology it shows the techniques that can be used by individuals and academic inventors to protect their work and is the ideal reference source.
* Bridges the gap between the legal system and scientific research and avoids legal jargon
* Details the reasons behind patents, their importance and relevance to all researchers and the strategy needed for filing for a patent
* Focuses on the strategy and reasons rather than just being a textbook of patent law
* Adopts a readable style that explains the basics right up to developing a strategy
* Essential reading for all those who wish to keep pace and protect their work
Reviews of the First Edition
"...fulfills a most useful purpose, is soundly based and discusses patent strategy sensibly. I should like it to be compulsory reading for all newly-appointed research managers." S. M Scott - Research Policy
"...should be recommended reading for both researchers and their managers, and those who work with them." Michael Blackman - Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology
"The book does a nice job of explaining many aspects of the patent system .. I can recommend it for managing types". (Internet Patents News, 19th July 2001)
"well written in a straightforward manner" (Chemistry Industry, September 2001)
"...This handy book provides the researcher with useful guidance on how to maximise the benefit of their inventiveness..." (Journal of Chemical Technology Biotechnology, Vol.77, 2002)
"...a superbly written reference text..." (Industrial Robot, Vol.29, No.2, 2002)
Preface to the First Edition.
About the Author.
Basic Intellectual Property Concepts.
The Value of Patents.
Developing a Strategy.
Researching With Intellectual Property in Mind.
Infringement and Freedom to Operate.
Working With Attorneys, Agents, and Liaisons.
Disclosure and Filing Decisions.
After the Filing.
The Future of Intellectual Property Efforts.
Further Reading.
"The book does a nice job of explaining many aspects of the patent system .. I can recommend it for managing types". (Internet Patents News, 19th July 2001)
"well written in a straightforward manner" (Chemistry Industry, September 2001)
"A basic guide introducing...strategic thinking as applied to patent applications and patent portfolios, and to intellectual property concepts..." (SciTech Book News, Vol. 25, No. 4, December 2001)
"...This handy book provides the researcher with useful guidance on how to maximise the benefit of their inventiveness..." (Journal of Chemical Technology Biotechnology, Vol.77, 2002)
"...a superbly written reference text..." (Industrial Robot, Vol.29, No.2, 2002)
"...Knight has a concise, readable style, breaking down complex terminology into easily comprehensible concepts.." (Pest Management Science, October 2002)
"...the potential value of the guidance given could make this a worthwhile investment to the innovative researcher..." (Jnl of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, October 2002)
"well written in a straightforward manner" (Chemistry Industry, September 2001)
"A basic guide introducing...strategic thinking as applied to patent applications and patent portfolios, and to intellectual property concepts..." (SciTech Book News, Vol. 25, No. 4, December 2001)
"...This handy book provides the researcher with useful guidance on how to maximise the benefit of their inventiveness..." (Journal of Chemical Technology Biotechnology, Vol.77, 2002)
"...a superbly written reference text..." (Industrial Robot, Vol.29, No.2, 2002)
"...Knight has a concise, readable style, breaking down complex terminology into easily comprehensible concepts.." (Pest Management Science, October 2002)
"...the potential value of the guidance given could make this a worthwhile investment to the innovative researcher..." (Jnl of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, October 2002)