1: Theory Concepts and Systems
1: Strategy and Diplomacy or On the Unity of Foreign Policy
2: Power and Force or On the Means of Foreign Policy
3: Power, Glory and Idea or On the Goals of Foreign Policy
4: On International Systems
5: On Multipolar Systems and Bipolar Systems
6: Dialectics of Peace and War
2: Sociology Determinants and Constants
7: On Space
8: On Number
9: On Resources
10: Nations and Regimes
11: In Search of a Pattern of Change
12: The Roots of War as an Institution
3: History the Global System in the Thermonuclear Age
13: Le monde fini or The Heterogeneity of the Global System
14: On the Strategy of Deterrence
15: Les grands Frères or Diplomacy within the Blocs
16: Stalemate in Europe or Diplomacy between the Blocs
17: Persuasion and Subversion or The Blocs and the Non-Aligned Nations
18: The Enemy Partners
4: Praxeology the Antinomies of Diplomatic-Strategic Conduct
19: In Search of a Morality
20: In Search of a Morality
21: In Search of a Strategy
22: In Search of a Strategy
23: Beyond Power Politics
24: Beyond Power Politics