During the past three decades, there have been considerable advances in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of craniomaxillofacial (CMF) injuries. Preventive legislation (speed limits, alcohol restriction, use of helmets, shoulder and seat restraints), improved road construction measures and vehicle safety modifications (safety glass, padded dash boards, stronger frames, collapsible steering columns, airbags) have led to a significant decrease in the incidence and severity of road traffic accidents (RTA) in some countries. Trauma is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality/death in children.Finally, improvements in airway, metabolic and anesthesia management have also helped to improve the outcomes for pediatric patients who suffer CMF injuries. This dissertation reviews the current principles and recent advances in the management of facial fractures in children. The purpose of this book was to provide a comprehensive overview regarding the full scope of craniomaxillofacial trauma in pediatric patients to assist in the assessment of this unique and highly specialized area of traumatology