Fred Moten teaches courses and conducts research in black studies, performance studies, poetics and critical theory at New York University. He is the author of Arkansas (Pressed Wafer, 2000), In the Break: The Aesthetics of the Black Radical Tradition (University of Minnesota Press, 2003), I ran from it but was still in it. (Cusp Books, 2007), Hughson's Tavern(Leon Works, 2008), B Jenkins (Duke University Press, 2009), The Feel Trio (Letter Machine Editions, 2014), which was a National Book Award finalist. He also is the co-author with Stefano Harney of The Undercommons: Fugitive Planning & Black Study (Minor Compositions, 2013).
the red sheaves
corduroy, no strings attached
the interfacial layer is violence, not care
the intrafacial lair
afro-alienation lining out
tables and gems
the faerie ornithologie
sylphtet (a triologue of self and soul
are you one of these motherfuckers?
color field
tiling, lining notes
tilling, limning notes
the abolition of art, the abolition of freedom, the abolition of you and me
cowrecked and led to trespass
taj subjduction
subductive lauren
with the band2
why you leave ‘em with me?
got ‘im!
merda nostra
epistrophe and epistrophy
or discovering
graves say, grave says