Investors' growing interest in mutual funds is evidenced by the fact that over the last year investment is growing tremendously in mutual funds. The significance of this investment has heightened interest in performance evaluation by both practitioners and academic researchers. Although claims of superior performance are often used to market mutual funds to investors, academic studies of mutual fund performance find that as a group the fund managers fail to create value for investors. It is a known fact that Mutual Fund Institutions in India have grown significantly during the last decade. These institutions certainly play a crucial role in the Indian economy. The rapid growth of Mutual Funds has compelled us to take a deeper look into their Investment Policy & performance of Mutual Funds, taking into account the expectations of investors, ability of Fund Managers and market timings of the Portfolio Managers. This would enable investors to assess how much returns has been generated by Portfolio Managers and what risk level was assumed in generating such funds. Similarly, Fund Managers would be able to identify their fund performance over the time.